Sunday, September 30, 2007


straight from another blog address...

There are moments when I would suddenly have an epiphany or a moment of enlightenment. You can also call them moments of sheer brilliance -- when I can effortlessly blend the power of the mind, heart and whatever part of the body is associated with hilarity. These moments are truly wonderful.

This is not one of them...

Oh, but I still feel wonderful


1) For the first time, I'm giving away a little bit of myself in an article I would usually write in my more active blog and not here in my friendster blog. You have to know me better the way I do, to understand the significance of this. But since I WONT even TRY to understand myself, I advise that you don't. hehe.

Borrowing miguel's "borrowed words", If you don't know ME by now, then you don't know ME.

2) I am so many things and I can understand if you judge me this way or that. A box is not something I fancy

3) This moment still feels wonderful because the "I"s in the first paragraph were replaced by "they" and "we".

What can be more wonderful than that?

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